外国語教育論集第47号編集委員( sfle.cegloc@gmail.com )宛
- 投稿規定および執筆要項をよくご確認ください。 投稿規程・執筆要項のガイドラインに従っていない原稿は、査読の前に、修正の上再投稿を求める場合があります。
- 原稿を提出する際には、投稿申込書類一式もあわせてご提出ください。 共著の場合は代表者が提出する必要があります。
- 原稿は、執筆者の氏名を記さずに作成するとともに、執筆者名をアステリスクで置き換える、自己引用は第三者として記述する等、執筆者を特定できないよう原稿を作成してください。査読結果に基づき編集委員会が掲載の可否を決定します。修正原稿(最終原稿)を提出するときにのみ(締め切り12月中旬)、当該の原稿に執筆者の氏名、および、執筆者が特定できる情報を含めてください。
- 研究倫理に関するe-learningとしてAPRIN eラーニングプログラム(CITI Japan)を受講する場合、日本語と英語のいずれでも受講できる「人文系コース」を修了してください。CITI Japanの別のコースの受講歴がある方は、受講したコース名を誓約書に明記してください。
- iThenticateを利用希望かつ学内利用資格を有しない非常勤講師の先生や筑波大学院生の場合等、編集委員のメールアドレスまでご連絡ください。
原稿締め切り | 9月20日 |
査読 | 10月初旬から11月初旬 |
査読結果の通知 | 11月中旬 |
修正原稿締め切り | 12月中旬 |
初校 | 1月中 |
再校 | 2月中 |
リポジトリ公開 | 4月中 |
The Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC) editorial committee is happy to announce the Call for Papers for the 47th issue of the Gaikokugo Kyoiku Ronshu (Studies in Foreign Language Education).If you wish to contribute a paper, please carefully read the Submission Guidelines and Manuscript Guidelines and submit the manuscript by the following deadline.
5 p.m., Friday, September 20, 2024
Please email your manuscript (.docx and .pdf) and your signed Submission Application Form (.pdf) to the editor's email address.(sfle.cegloc@gmail.com )
Notes on the manuscript submission
- Please carefully read and follow the Submission Guidelines and Manuscript Guidelines. If your manuscript is not duly formatted according to the Guidelines, you may be asked to reformat and resubmit it.
- Together with the manuscript (Deadline: September 20), please submit the Pledge on Research Ethics to the editorial committee.
- To assure the anonymity of the review process, do not include the name(s) of the author(s) in the manuscript. When you need to cite or refer to your own works, use a third-person expression or substitute the name(s) of the author(s) with “****” so that the referees cannot identify the author(s). The committee makes decisions concerning the acceptability of manuscripts based on the referees' reviews. Only when submitting your revised final manuscript (Deadline: Mid-December), include the name(s) of the author(s) and descriptions that refer to the author(s).
- If you choose to take an APRIN (CITI Japan) e-learning course on research ethics, please take the humanities (人文系) course in Japanese or English. If you have completed other CITI course(s) in the past, please indicate the course name in the Pledge on Research Ethics.
- If you are a part-time teacher without access to iThenticate on campus and wish to use it, we can ask our iThenticate Help Desk to create an account for you, which will be disabled upon leaving your position at the University of Tsukuba. If you wish to set up an account, please contact the editors at the email address below.
E-Mail: sfle.cegloc@gmail.com
Editorial Schedule
Deadline for manuscript submission | September 20 |
Peer review | Early October to early November |
Notification of decision | Mid-November |
Deadline for revised manuscript | Mid-December |
First proofreading | January |
Second proofreading | February |
Publication | April |
The 46th issue of the Gaikokugo Kyoiku Ronshu was successfully published in March 2024.
Please note that the relevant documents are subject to revision at the time of application.
- 執筆要項_Manuscript GuidelinesPDF形式/547.71KB
- 投稿申込書類一式WORD形式/296.9KB
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- 2024年8月23日
- 印刷する