補講日本語コース 受講手続案内/Admission procedure for Supplementary Japanese Course

 2024年度 補講日本語コース 受講手続案内      ⇒ ⇒ English follows Japanese.

 * 受講対象 


 * 日程

♦ STEP 1: 日本語レベルを判定
♦ STEP 2: 授業に参加
♦ STEP 3: 履修申請

♦ 履修申請期間終了後に変更したい時:履修申請変更願

★ 履修上の注意事項
★   問い合わせ
★ manaba 自己登録解除方法


STEP 1  日本語レベルを判定

  → オンラインでプレースメントテスト(PT)を受験し、日本語レベルを確認する。

  → 前学期の成績を確認する。(J1-J3継続受講者はPTも再度受験すること。)


2023秋AB 成績


2024春AB 成績






CEGLOC 日本語教育部門教務<cegloc.nihongojp#un.tsukuba.ac.jp>へ申請する。





 ・合格した科目(成績 A+, A, B, C)は、再度履修することができません。


STEP 2  授業に参加


(1) manaba(学習管理システム)にログイン
(2)   科目一覧 および manaba登録キー 
*受講対象:特別聴講学生(学群)、日本語・日本文化研修留学生(日研生) 以外

       ●春AB      Updated! (2024/03/29)
秋AB    Updated! (2024/10/1)

(3) TWINS/KdB(教育課程編成支援システム)にログイン。シラバスを参照
(4) 時間割


(1)  学生証(学籍番号)
(2)  プレースメントテストのスコア、もしくは前学期の「成績表」


STEP 3  履修申請



2024年04月15日(月)~ 04月26日 (金)


2024年10月01日(火)~ 10月16日 (水)


学群生 / 大学院生


研究生 等





(1)   履修申請準備シート   
(2)   筑波大学から付与されたメールアドレス  



★ 履修上の注意事項 ★

(1) 自分のレベルに対応する科目に履修申請すること。レベル変更がある場合は変更先担当教員の許可を受けること。
(2) Googleで履修申請した科目はすべてTWINSへ登録されます。授業が重複している場合は登録できません。
(3) Googleで履修申請した科目の変更・取消を行うためには、申請期間内に登録する全科目をGoogleで再度申請してください。

(4) 最大6科目まで履修することができます。
(5) 申請の前に指導教員とよく相談すること。
(6) 受講人数制限があります。
(7) 単位はありません。
(8) 日本語授業の資料は、自分の勉強のための利用に限ります。第三者への譲渡や、閲覧を可能にするいかなる行為も禁じます。
(9 ) 不正行為を行った場合は、当該授業科目受験の無効又は当該学期の授業科目の全受験科目が無効となる措置のほか、学群学則により


★ 問い合わせ ★

 分からないことがあったときは 【よくある質問 FAQ】を参照すること。
 グローバルコミュニケーション教育センター(CEGLOC)日本語教育部門:大学会館C棟2階 210事務室



 AY2024 Admission procedure for Supplementary Japanese Course  

 *Enrollment Eligibility 

 ・Undergraduate / Graduate Students
 ・Research Students
 ・Graduate Exchange Students
 ・Exchange Research Students ("Tokubetsu Kenkyugakusei")
 ・Intensive Japanese Language Course Students ("Nihongo Kenshusei")
 ・Teacher Training Students
 ・Japanese Returnees

*Course Period

♦ STEP 1: Determine your Japanese level
♦ STEP 2: Attend the first class
♦ STEP 3: Registration

♦ To change your course registration after the registration period: Request for Change of Registration

★ Important notes for Course Registration
★   Contact Information
★ How to drop the registered courses on manaba

STEP 1  Determine your Japanese level

For New Students (Students who take the Supplementary Japanese course for the first time)
  → You have to take the Placement Test online and determine your Japanese level before courses start.

For Continuing Students (Students who already took any Supplemenatry Japanese classes in the previous sementer.)
 → Check your Class Grade of the previous semester. (Continuing students in Levels J1- J3 have to retake the PT.)


AY2023 Fall AB

January 22, 2024(Mon.) 15:00~

AY2024 Spring AB

July 19, 2024(Fri.) 15:00~

How to check your Class Grade

Undergraduate students

Graduate students

Graduate Exchange Students


Research Students

Send an email to <cegloc.nihongojp#un.tsukuba.ac.jp> to request your score sheet. (Change # to @ on the request mail)

Please include the following information in the email.

・Subject:Request for grade sheet(your student ID number)
・Mail body:Your student ID number・Name・Your email address

 Subject : Request for grade sheet(202XXXXXXX)
 Mail body:202XXXXXXX・Tsukuba CEGLOC・sXXXXXXX@u.tsukuba.ac.jp

★How to receive your grade sheet

Moving up a Level

If you pass a level of the one of the skilled-based classes, you can move up to the next level.
※ However, for levels J1~J3, the result of the PT you take just before the beginning of the term will be taken into consideration.
・If your grade was A+ to C, choose a higher level. If it was D, choose the same level as last semester.
・You cannot retake classes you have completed with a passing grade (i.e., A+, A, B, C).


STEP 2  Attend the class

Confirm class contents

(1)  Login manaba. Refer to manaba registration manual.
(2)  Course List and manaba Registration key 
      *Enrollment Eligibility: Except  Undergraduate Exchange Students (“Tokubetsu Chokogakusei”) and Japanese Language and Japanese Studies students (“Nikkensei”)
   ●Spring AB    Updated! (2024/03/29)
Fall AB       Updated! (2024/10/1)

(3)  Refer to the syllabus on the TWINS/KdB (Curriculum Scheduling Support System).
(4)  Timetable

Have at hand for the class.

(1)  Student ID
(2)  PT result sheet or your Class Grade Sheet of the previous semester



STEP 3  Registration

Application Period

Spring AB

April 15, 2024 (Mon.) to April 26, 2024 (Fri.)

Fall AB

October 1, 2024 (Tue.) to October 16, 2024 (Wed.)

Registration, Change or Cancel

Undergraduate / Graduate Students

Through TWINS

Research Students etc.

Through Google Application form

Graduate Exchange Students

Contact your Academic Service Office

Have at hand when registering

(1)   Registration preparation sheet
(2)   Email address issued by the University of Tsukuba.
   (sXXXXXXX@s.tsukuba.ac.jp or sXXXXXXX@u.tsukuba.ac.jp)


★ Important notes for Course Registration ★

(1) Register for the course that fits your level. If you need to change your level, you must get the approval of the teacher in charge of
   the class which you wish to move to.
(2) All classes you apply for Google will be registered on TWINS. You cannot register if subject class times are overlapping.
(3) Changing or cancelling a course registration can only be done during the application periods.
   In the case of re-application through Google, ALL of the classes indicated in your prior application will be deleted.
      You must re-apply for ALL classes you wish to take through the “Google Application form.”
(4) You may register for a maximum of 6 subjects.
(5) You are required to contact your academic advisor before registering and get his or her approval.
(6) Class sizes are limited.
(7) This course is no credit course.
(8) The class materials provided during the Japanese classes are limited to use for your own study. It is prohibited to transfer them
   to others or give access to a third party. In addition, please purchase the drills used in the class. Reproduction is illegal, and
   therefore prohibited. The Japanese Language Education Division of CEGLOC is not responsible for damages caused by prohibited
(9) There should be no violations. In the case of a violation, the student will be disqualified to take any examinations during the
   semester. Disciplinary measures may follow based on the Undergraduate School Rules.

★ Contact information ★

 If you have any questions about the Japanese courses, Placement Test etc., please go to 【FAQ】.
 CEGLOC Japanese Language Education Division office: University hall C (9P) 210 office

manaba 自己登録解除方法 /How to drop the registered courses on manaba